Are You Suffering From Internet Rage?

I won’t be the first or the last person to comment upon Internet Rage. Won’t be the first person to remark upon how some people wield their keyboards like a broadswords and take vicious swings at anyone and everyone who irritates them.

This won’t be a post in which I try to diagnose them or cite sections of the DSM-IV explaining why people think a computer and DSL entitles them to act like jerks because there are trained professionals who get paid lots of money to tell us why little Johnny goes crazy whenever his videos of Miley Cyrus Twerking don’t load properly.

Instead let’s call this another voice asking some questions about our online behavior and commenting upon a few things.

Customer Service Is Dead

I certainly understand how some companies can make you want to bang your head against the wall.  Monday afternoon I received a bill from my ISP that didn’t make sense and it took an hour for my question to be answered.

The online chat didn’t work, the FAQs were useless and the telephone number was hidden on the website. But what really started to make me want to scream was the twenty minutes of being on hold.

Part of me wanted to respond by writing a series of blog posts, tweets and Facebook updates in which I skewered the company for wasting my time.

I am tech savvy. I am Internet savvy. I am social media savvy.

If it took me that long to find the information and then get in touch with customer service I can only imagine what would happen for others who are less familiar.

You don’t have to try hard to find multiple other examples of customer service failures either.

But if you look at this from a business perspective what you might see is opportunity. Since the bar is already set so low you don’t need to do much to distinguish your business by providing superior customer service.

Moral Outrage

One of the new guarantees of the Internet Age is that brands/companies will do something outrageous on days when they should be more careful.

Someone will advertise their sale on 9/11 as “blowing up” and hordes of people will castigate them for being insensitive and demand an apology and coupons for 25% off their next order.

But what is sometimes lost in the shuffle is common sense and a question of whether the outrage is merited. Businesses are run by people which means we are going to see some pretty dumb things sometimes.

Sometimes someone is going to be insensitive but there is a difference between doing something unintentionally and intentionally and the response should take that into consideration.

I am not saying that good intentions gone wrong don’t require a response or a consequence but it is worth thinking about how we respond to whatever event we are talking about.

This is also why you need to pay attention to who is handling your social media because what happens before and after is important.


Ideally you won’t find yourself in a position in which you have to deal hordes of angry people commenting on your social media platforms but you can be certain that sooner or later you will deal with angry customers and that requires a deft touch.

Angry customers sometimes suffer from Internet Rage and can be very aggressive in their communication. And even if they are not intentionally aggressive online communication doesn’t have any verbal or physical cues for you to work with.

If you can’t see a smile or hear a happy voice you might mistake their words for being an angry missive.

You don’t want to give in to your own Internet Rage and engage in a nasty exchange because once you post your response or email it off you lose control of it all and have no idea what can happen.

There are websites and Internet Memes that are devoted to taking advantage of these moments. and something minor can easily blow up in your face.

You are always better served by being an active communicator and not reactive.

What do you think?

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.


  1. lori – Canada – I love figuring it all out and finding I was wrong, changing my mind, learning that I can get excited again about something I thought I was moving away from; changing life-long habits. Mostly I love my husband and my children; watching us all grow through the changes of life, family reunions and celebrations with a good bottle of port and a shrimp ring.
    Lori says:

    Joshua Wilner/A Writer Writes I agree Josh – too much automation means too little good service most of the time.

  2. TheJackB – Someone complained that this page doesn’t tell you what to expect to find here in this blog so I aim to rectify this with the next line. I am a father who writes about life, parenting, business, politics and fiction. I don’t use an editorial calendar because I don’t map out what I am going to write that far in advance. The primary focus will be on things that relate to children and parenting. But the nifty thing about that is that encompasses a wide range of things. Sometimes I work with companies on their PR/Marketing efforts. If they provide products or services I will disclose it. Here is an incomplete list of companies that I am currently or have recently worked with: Nintendo, Philips Norelco, Subway, Frigidaire and Mattel. Want to know more about me, keep reading. If I wanted to provide a professional description it would looks similar to this: Jack has a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from California State University Northridge. He has been writing for print and web publications for more than twenty years, covering a wide range of topics including: business, technology, parenting, politics, education, sports and religion. That is far too serious so I prefer to use something like: The Jack B. is a writer and author of 39 unpublished books and three screenplays. A former athlete and would be superhero he still fights for truth, justice and the American Way. Though he may look like a grown man, don’t fool yourself he is still a boy at heart. When he is not engaged in Walter Mitty like fantasies he is a husband, father and friend and blogs at TheJackB. Hmm…obviously I have since moved from Random Thoughts over to this place, but that is ok. This page is a work in progress which is a good description for me. I’ll probably tweak this on a regular basis so feel free to keep checking back in because you never know what might show up. I am a prolific writer and update frequently so don’t forget to scroll down the page to see what nugget of wisdom you just might have missed. Here is a short selection of posts to get you started. A Father Describes Parenting A Father’s Burden How Sister’s Helped to Train A Father of “Daddy’s Girl” Inside the Blogger’s Studio- A Dream, Er Nightmare The GermoPhobe What I Dream About I am In Love Becoming a Dad Dad’s Most Important Job A Decade of Dad Grandpa Donuts Why Your Post Sucks and Everyone Hates Your Blog A Letter To My Children- Things That Matter A Letter To My Children-2011 Dad Balances Fear Versus Reality Q&A With Daddy Blogger JackB Save The Last Dance For Me- 75 Years of Marriage An Uncertain Certainty Four Generations & A Wedding The Best Thing My Father Ever Said To Me 1 Foolproof Way To Become a Better Writer The Story Of A House- The Final Days He Died A Hero Twenty-Five Links That Will Make You A Better Writer/Blogger Thanks for coming by, I hope you like it. If you want to reach me use the contact form or try talk-to-jacknow-at-gmail-dotcom You can also find more information by clicking About Me and reading my profile there. Also, I encourage you to sign up for my newsletter using the form on the top right hand side of the page.
    Joshua Wilner/A Writer Writes says:

    Hi Lori,
    It is so surreal to me to hear a “live operator” is now considered a distinguishing feature. Most of the time I prefer speaking with a real person because I usually have my questions answered on a faster basis, but we don’t see much of the live operator any more now do we.
     Technology is useful, but I don’t see it as something that can serve every need. Sometimes I think businesses hurt themselves by using too much automation.

  3. lori – Canada – I love figuring it all out and finding I was wrong, changing my mind, learning that I can get excited again about something I thought I was moving away from; changing life-long habits. Mostly I love my husband and my children; watching us all grow through the changes of life, family reunions and celebrations with a good bottle of port and a shrimp ring.
    Lori says:

    Hi Josh!
    I so agree with this: “Since the bar is already set so low you don’t need to do much to
    distinguish your business by providing superior customer service.” Recently I saw an ad on TV announcing that an actual live operator will answer when you call. They Trademarked what they call it: Live Answer. 😮
    Technology can be used to give BETTER service, but often it’s used in lieu of service. I’m testing out a Live Chat widget for my TCP site. Here is an example of how technology can help me improve what I offer in the way of customer service, if I handle it well, and if it is well received! Already today someone has told me she liked that I didn’t pester her 😮 
    We all need to step it up, don’t you think? But then again if we’re the only ones giving good service then we don’t have to step it up that much!

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