How Do You Measure Power/Influence In Social Media?

The impact of technology is...

Two thoughts to share with you regarding the video production and content. People like to throw around numbers but if you don’t know why they are important and what makes them significant they quickly lose value. My video production skills are rough. I am using a basic webcam and it is clear the lighting isn’t… Continue reading How Do You Measure Power/Influence In Social Media?

The Johnny Cash Project- How Social Media Brings People Together

There are three things that I will always remember about my first job: One of the owners asked me if I understood what it meant to be insubordinate and I asked him if he needed help spelling it. The day after the Northridge earthquake. When I walked into my office I saw that a giant… Continue reading The Johnny Cash Project- How Social Media Brings People Together

The Substitute Paper Boy & Boring Blogs


The guys in legal have asked me to make you sure you know that I haven’t ever kicked a dog, drowned a cat or run naked down the street covered in green Jello. I haven’t ever been arrested involved in a police chase, hijacked a plane or traveled around the world by steam freighter. Nor… Continue reading The Substitute Paper Boy & Boring Blogs

The Myth of the “Money Is In The List” Mantra

The blogosphere is littered with 1,833,983,093 posts about how to make money online and almost all of them propagate the myth about the “money is in the list” mantra. The theory is that on the day you launch your blog you start building a list of subscribers and that you will be able to use… Continue reading The Myth of the “Money Is In The List” Mantra

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