Do You Know How Google Plus Relates To The 213 Area Code?

Mention Google Plus among certain crowds and they’ll assure you the platform is dead and claim no one uses it. I’ll be kind and refrain from inserting their names into this post and the more salient fact they haven’t spent any time on it so they aren’t speaking from experience. But me, well I know… Continue reading Do You Know How Google Plus Relates To The 213 Area Code?

$5 Billion Reasons Why You Can’t Buy Donald Trump’s Toupee

I can’t speak for you but I can assure you both of my grandfathers thought I was exceptionally, funny, handsome, clever and humble. Having watched my parents become grandparents I now know there is some sort of evolutionary process that takes place that affects how parents can frown upon the actions of their children while… Continue reading $5 Billion Reasons Why You Can’t Buy Donald Trump’s Toupee

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