Money Isn’t Everything

The telephone rings and I absentmindedly answer it not bothering to check the Caller ID. Some of my friends and family consider that sort of thing to be reckless behavior but not me, I am a man who lives on the edge. A short time later I hang up the phone and think about all… Continue reading Money Isn’t Everything

Categorized as Children

Smells Like Memories

There is a connection between scent and memory that I have known about for years that wanders a serpentine trail between the subconscious and awareness. My head is swimming with thoughts about a particularly onerous challenge and I am laser focused when invisible tendrils of a scent weave their way in between the walls. Unbidden… Continue reading Smells Like Memories

Categorized as Life

Love It Or Leave It

I am sitting on the balcony, cup of coffee in hand reading the news and listening to music. My pal Mr. Redding comes on and the familiar bars of Hard To Handle start to play and I suspect if I had an an out of body experience I’d see my head nodding along with the… Continue reading Love It Or Leave It

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