The Digital Footprints

Twenty-five years ago I couldn’t have pictured life as it is now or as it will be in the not so distant future but that is because no one could have. The 20 year-old came downstairs and said he got the severe weather warning on the phone and figured he’d play it safe. “The news… Continue reading The Digital Footprints

Categorized as Life

Can You Hear Me?

Changed the nameservers on two blogs and crossed my fingers I did it correctly or they might disappear from view and make the rest of my hair fall out while I try to fix them. Made the changes as part of a bigger plan that is supposed to make them load faster and provide a… Continue reading Can You Hear Me?

A Different Sort Of Mask

Years of wearing a different sort of mask can take a toll upon you and still provide you with hope that things you set in motion long before have an opportunity. Seeds that were planted take time to grow and flowers sprout up in places that remind you they were always there among the weeds,… Continue reading A Different Sort Of Mask

Categorized as Narishkeit

Lightning Strikes Again

Sometimes you can look at a picture and hear the person in it speak to you and you just know that lightning is going to strike again. It is not logical or rational but it is reasonable belief based upon things that lie outside of that which you can see, touch, taste and feel. We’re… Continue reading Lightning Strikes Again

Categorized as Narishkeit
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