I Need Answers

It was a particularly strange yet normal weekend in which I realized I don’t just want answers, I need them. It is not just Paradise By The Dashboard Light in the air but this need to get answers that makes me know I am going to hit the highway like a battering ram in search… Continue reading I Need Answers

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A Car-nival of Cars

Never expected to participate in a A Car-nival of Cars which is my way of saying we got two new cars in the family in less than a week. Didn’t plan or want to do it that way but as my people say, “דער מענטש טראַכט און גאָט לאַכט”. “Der mentsh trakht un got lakht/Man… Continue reading A Car-nival of Cars

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The Art Of Decision Making

Sometimes when I think about the art of decision making these two clips from Field Of Dreams come to mind but if you are a long time reader you already know that. You know that quote about the most significant moments of our lives, it sticks with me and has for years because I have… Continue reading The Art Of Decision Making

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Play Me At The Crossroads

Saw a comment someone made and it made me think about how I could tell them a story using two songs I know they like. Wouldn’t be hard to write it but many wouldn’t understand it and some who did would shirk from the sheer intensity because sometimes it has the same comfort as staring… Continue reading Play Me At The Crossroads

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