If You Weren’t There, Did It Happen?

The Churchill quote with a Statue of Liberty backdrop is intentional on my part. You can blame attribute the inspiration for that upon some conversations I have seen take place in person and online where fierce debates have raged about historical events and how they should be interpreted/understood. Coincidentally I stumbled upon a Washington Post… Continue reading If You Weren’t There, Did It Happen?

Categorized as History

What Makes ‘Mythical’ Creatures Mythical?

A guy like me who is interested in the backstory is always curious about the background and story behind mythical creatures. It is not because I am pedantic and determined to make sure these tales fit the dictionary definition of mythical either. myth·i·cal adjective \ˈmi-thi-kəl\: based on or described in a myth: existing only in… Continue reading What Makes ‘Mythical’ Creatures Mythical?

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