Once, All We Had Were Words

Sometimes you use old timey communication to converse during the most modern of times.

So here I am listening to ELO sing Telephone Line and so much of it resonates with me. But that part about things fading out of view…not so much.

People can say I am lost in dreamland, lost in a place between reality, possibility and opportunity and that it clouds perspective.

Wouldn’t surprise me, I have spent time trying to convince myself but there are some things I don’t ignore.

That rumble in my stomach that says stay close to refuge, the feeling I get in my lungs when I push for one more lap underwater and the fire in my belly.

Things haven’t always gone the direction I hoped they would or turned out as I might have planned but life isn’t a straight line.

Thirty some years ago my long departed Uncle Mark told me to remember if you keep going you’ll get there but maybe not exactly as you expected you would.

That appears to be true and I have no reason to believe that all of the people who walk the Yellow Brick road with me will be there the whole way.

Nor reason to believe that some who walk away won’t come back again be it in the Emerald city or somewhere before or after.

Write These Words Down

Smarter people than I have given counsel that one ought to say very little and let those that wish to know you better come look for you.

Others have said the exact opposite and said to write these words down, these words that say who you are and what you are about.

They say that doing so will make it clear to those about and around who you are and entice them to join or stay away.

I take a middle course and share just enough to provide a glimpse but not all of my cards.

Even those who think they can read between the lines don’t have the full picture.

Brother Pablo’s truth would be a good start for some things have to start with a deeper exploration.

They combine the fear, the spark and fire and provide illumination of the twilight.

There are things I know and things I wish to know again.

Adventure requires courage and a willingness not to hide from challenges so I write certain words upon various pages.

Those provide clarity, accountability and a call to action.

Sometimes you go on vacation and never want it to end and sometimes you set all the clocks ahead so that you can return home sooner.

What Comes Next?

A colleague with young kids and I spent a few minutes discussing career paths and it made me laugh.

The ten or so years difference in age between us is bigger in many ways than he realizes.

His children are in elementary school so the thought about college and an empty house is something that is so far off it is hard to picture.

That is not where I am, a childless house isn’t hard to picture.

And career wise, well I have to be more strategic and careful than he is because I don’t want to spend a chunk of years in one position to get to another unless I am very certain about my interest in the latter.

I am also in a position where I am not worried any more about having to live in particular places to ensure my kids go to the right school.

That opens up other possibilities and opportunities to consider and all of this is why I laughed.

Because when he told me it would be forever until he was in my position I knew better. It feels and looks a bit like that, but it goes so damn fast.

I had always heard that and thought of it as an exaggeration but I know better now.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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