About What You Can’t Have

The reflection in the mirror doesn’t flinch when the parade of the dead come to the visit nor does he move when he hears that section of the song.

Like a heartbeat drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering what you had
And what you lost
And what you had
And what you lost

Let the Mac sing about what they went through and let others relate and or reminisce because they can relate this guy isn’t going to do it.

Not when word of the death of another family friend nor due to other news because today is a plant your feet and keep moving forward.

Keep swimming upstream and when someone says they want to talk about what you can’t have give them a look that ought to freeze them in place and keep going.

Can’t stop, won’t stop.

Sometimes you ask for the impossible and sometimes you discover and or get the improbable.

Life is an experience of moments planned, unexpected and inexplicable experiences.

Maybe the guy in the sky sticks his hand into Felix’s magic bag of tricks and applies against your life.

When the kids were little they chanted “you get what you get and you don’t get upset.”

Believed that once but gave it up for lent or whatever other excuse works for giving up that which no longer serves us.

Don’t tell me what I can or cannot do. I don’t sit idly.

What Is Going To Happen

I wrote an email to the superintendent of the school district and told him he ought not give in so easily to Gregg Abbott death cult. I said if he pushed back there would be more parental support than he might be aware of.

Wrote the dumb leader of the death cult and argued, debated and dueled with the members of his mentally ill minority group all over.

These idiots think it is brave not to wear a piece of cloth and to tell others they won’t comply with a request to get vaccinated.

The one says he would consider it but he doesn’t think it had enough testing. I ask him if the house is on fire why would you send the firemen to put out the fire in the barn first.

He tells me faith will protect him. I respond by saying god sent him a boat called the USS Vaccine so that he wouldn’t drown and he is going to feel stupid explaining why he ignored it.

“The vaccine doesn’t stop you from getting Covid.”

“No and it is not supposed to. It is like a seat belt. They don’t stop accidents, but they make it less likely that you’ll die.”

“What do you want me to do. It is not tested enough.”

“I want you to admit you don’t know how vaccines are created and that you can’t tell me how long it should be tested or how the testing works. I want you to recognize millions of us have taken it and it is not causing huge issues for most of us. And then I want you to let me operate on you because you think anyone who has watched five minutes of YouTube video and read a couple of medical journals is equivalent to a doctor.”

A couple of people tell me I am very mean and I tell them I don’t care because they are contributing to a public health crisis and they deserve ridicule.

“Besides your selfishness impacts those I care about in a negative way. Your idiocy may kill someone and if karma were real you would have to deal with the consequences.


I stumbled across a site that is run by people who think birds aren’t real. It is a conspiracy theory about all of the birds being replaced by drones as part of some government plot.

I keep hoping it is going to turn out to be a big prank except I don’t really think it is true. People are that dumb.

Imagine the complexity of killing all of the birds and replacing them with drones. If the government could do that would we really be seeing some of the problems we see now..

Not in my conspiracy theory world. A government that could do that would take steps to keep the peasants fat, stupid and happy.

But it plays better to suggest a few clever people busted it wide open.

If it wasn’t for those meddling kids…

Life is filled with the funny. More friends are becoming grandparents and some are not in-laws who are anxious to become grandparents.

Heard one story about a new mother-in-law who told the new guy in her daughter’s life that it took her a while to get pregnant with their first so he ought to start working on his wife.

“I’ll be a really good nana and you two will be great parents.”

Boundaries people, boundaries.

Eventually The End Comes

Just rewatched Sharansky’s video on his tips for dealing with Covid and lockdowns. Good stuff, reminds me of some very important stuff.

Sometimes you need those things to prop you up one more time and sometimes you need to remember there are two basic endings.

The things that you want to let go of and say goodbye to and those that you don’t want to release.

Most of us have experienced both and I get the feeling some of that is going to come around again sooner than later.

Eventually things move in the right direction and opportunity knocks or we discover that our best efforts just won’t work.

Doesn’t matter if we pivot, spin, duck, dance, dodge or skip it just doesn’t change.

So eventually you let go and move on to other things.

Hopefully you make those decisions based upon whatever parameters you have established and not because of others.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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