I Won’t Wait Forever

Doc says I ought to get a few things checked out and to remember I might need to grab a cab or Uber if things go certain ways.

“I had thought about riding a bike. It is only 11 miles each way.”

“Not a good idea, but I think you know that. Don’t take too long getting it all checked out. You’ll feel better.”

“I won’t wait forever.”

“Doc nods his head and we move on to other things.”

Realized the other day that it is about two months since that conversation and I haven’t done anything yet so I put it on the list of things I intend to do something about.

It is a long list and more than a few items have been checked off so we have signs of progress.

I Won’t Wait Forever

Perused the old to-do list and prioritized it and laughed because I know damn well I am not going to take on some of these any time soon.

There is no one here and my time is my own and the presents a mixed bag of treats.

I have so much going on in some areas that I don’t have the bandwidth to take on some of these projects until I get further along with others.

A couple of them are things that require another set of eyes and some are things that I see value in doing but there is no deadline other than self imposed.

I do my best work under deadline so not having one lets me procrastinate a bit. Chances are I’ll wait until the end of the bachelor life approaches and that if I want uninterrupted time I’ll have to get to it.

Given that I work in great bursts of energy that probably is suitable.


My middle sister texted a picture of us with Dad today.

We took it at 4:38 P.M. on July 6, 2018 and unless I am mistaken it is the last one the three of us ever took. I have a vague urge to try and find the first one which I guess is sometime in April of ’71, but who knows.

It is not a great picture but I like it because Dad doesn’t look sick to me. If I didn’t know the context it wouldn’t occur to me we were 17 days away from game over.

At the time we knew we were closer to the end than the beginning, but really thought there was a much bigger chunk left.

That experience is a big part of why I say I won’t wait forever for some things. Don’t know how long the thread is or when it will get cut.

My expectation is to be around for decades, but if I am not I’ll know I tried. I need that for peace-of-mind.

Goals And Objectives

Got texts today from happy children and that’ was huge. We’re not quite out of the pandemic yet but close enough they have been able to do things that weren’t possible before.

On the list of goals and objectives I feel good about that. That is big…huge.

Time is coming at lightning speed when they’ll be out on their own and while I will always take joy in their successes it feels good to know they are getting a few more while under my roof.

Time moves so very quickly. Yesterday I was in college and last week in high school.

I am almost afraid to go to sleep, not ready to wake up and discover it is 2078.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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