Conversations We’d Like To Have

Been thinking about life and certain people conversations we’d like to have or at least conversations I would like engage in.

Some of them will never happen because the people I want to speak with are gone and never coming back. Missed opportunities aren’t ever going to be made up and that is the hard truth.

But there are others on that list who walk upright and occupy places in the tangible world and aren’t relegated to memories of who they once were.

Kind of funny to me to think about it because some of you might not believe I don’t chase people because your experience feels or seems different.

Might be some truth to that but there are others who will tell you about the wall of silence.

I don’t have it in me to do or act in ways that don’t fill my heart and nourish my soul. That was beaten out of me and so it goes.

It Is Only Money

Spent a few minutes looking at the list of things I want while trying to cull it down to the stuff I need and laughed when I was told the budget is already blown.

‘It is only money and I’ll make a lot more of it.”

Not entirely sure why I responded that way other than I am convinced the finances are going to undergo a major overhaul and that what is coming will keep me smiling.

I haven’t won the lottery, mostly because I don’t play but I have this gut feeling that things are going to go a particular way.

Hell, I have that feeling about a bunch of stuff, not sure why other than I am convinced that some crops I planted long ago will turn into a harvest bounty.

Could be wrong. Might be wrong, but not about everything.

Some of this isn’t a question of if, but of when.

Never Stops

Got the word that another Heights alum left this plane to go wherever it is we go after and made a note to send a condolence card.

I was sorry to hear it, one more friend has now lost both parents and my mother has lost a good friend. Life never stops.

These stories are gaining some steam and becoming more common which I suppose is natural given my age and that of most of my friends.

Most of us are in our fifties and in some cases are the youngest sibling so our parents have reached that place where these tales gain traction because of natural causes.

Hell I know more than a few cancer survivors who are my age so…

Anyhoo, I was sorry to hear the news. I don’t know if they’ll bury him in LA, Cleveland or somewhere else. I would imagine LA next to his wife.

Thought about it a little more given Covid’s impact upon funerals and wondered if things have loosened up because of vaccinations. We’re not at herd immunity yet, but maybe enough of the mourners have gotten their shots.

I don’t mean for it to sound callous and am remarking upon it more to memorialize some of what has transpired because of Covid19 because the time will come it is long past and memory will have faded.

Hopefully we’ll not see another pandemic for a good 100 years but I am not sure if that is realistic and if a comment about the impact of this pandemic helps motivate people to take the next one more seriously that will be a good thing.

Running With The Moon

We’re running with the moon again, instinct driving us forward as much as logic or reason.

Got an idea of what direction our north star lays upon an evening sky and so we go forward with intention and purpose into a cloud that hides something we can’t quite see on the other side.

Soon enough we’ll find out if it is what we think or if it is mirage built upon hope and an active imagination.

Can’t see anything from here or use a telescope to gain clarity so it is nothing but steady progress forwards and a willingness to take action.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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