Can You Hear Me?

Changed the nameservers on two blogs and crossed my fingers I did it correctly or they might disappear from view and make the rest of my hair fall out while I try to fix them.

Made the changes as part of a bigger plan that is supposed to make them load faster and provide a better experience for you and the fine folks that frequent these joints.

That idea of a better experience is based upon there being solid content that makes people want to stick around and spend time here.

I am not naive enough to believe people will spend any significant time here without that. Sure there are a few who will always come around because it is important to you to know what is going on inside my head, but most don’t care.

So the goal is to try to make these posts educational, informative and entertaining as often as I can. Three out of three is best but one out of three with consistency still provides good results.

I still try to do better than that, no reason to slack off otherwise I’ll run around shouting the online equivalent of “can you hear me?”

The Broken Pieces

If you missed the post from last night you can catch it over here or you can skip it and see if I fill in the blanks.

There is no outline so it is possible I will repeat topics, thoughts and ideas.

The big meeting I had earlier today went far better than I expected it would leaving me pleasantly surprised especially since I discovered I was far more concerned about it than I had thought I would be.

Mom told me about visiting an old friend who may be entering hospice if the new Cancer treatment doesn’t work.

She talked about how it brought back memories and I understood. When they said goodbye they did so knowing it could be the last time they see each other.

It didn’t sink in at first and then I thought about his daughter flying in to spend time with him and wondered if he had any interest in going back to Cleveland or if that part of life is so long ago it doesn’t matter anymore.

During that last year Dad and I talked about whether there would be a farewell tour and if it mattered.

As the thoughts, memories and ideas pinballed through my head I remembered Mom saying how my grandparents reached a point where it was common for their friends to die and how it wasn’t as big a deal to them.

It wasn’t said as cavalierly as that sounds. It was a comment that by the time they hit their nineties it wasn’t unusual.

The guys and I have discussed it a bit, friends dying. We have said goodbye to two fraternity brothers during the past four years and heard stories about heart attacks and other health issues.

It is strange to reach a place where death of contemporaries isn’t necessarily because of accidents but I see it coming. Hopefully still a long way down the tracks.

What isn’t a long way off anymore is recognition of where my generation sits. It is not uncommon any more to have friends who have buried one of their parents.

We’re the sandwich generation now and more than a couple of us are grandparents. That is still strange to me, especially when you find out someone you dated is going to be called grandma.

To be fair my grandparents were 55 when I arrived and I no longer think of that as being so old.

Some Days

Some days there are moments where you might think of purchasing a candle and passing it out to people who could benefit from it.

And sometimes you think about sending a memo out that says a story has a beginning, middle and end followed by a P.S. that says “every good story has a point.”

I may ramble here but that is because I can. If you are reading this it is because you want to and not because you have to.

There are other places and spaces where choosing not to read communication is a bad idea that will have a negative impact.

I am very succinct in those other places and spaces because our time is valuable and I don’t like wasting it with unnecessary comments or half baked ideas that offer little to no value.

Anyhoo, there is a treadmill calling my name and a hope that I didn’t screw things with the changes I made on the blogs.

But if I did I might have done myself a favor and saved myself a chunk of time having to worry about updating them all huh.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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