Drunk Blogging The Night Away

The challenges from mysterious women on Words With Friends roll in with increasing regularity and I find myself engaging in ridiculous conversations.

They follow a standard format of a challenge and a message that quickly moves from “Hi how are you to are you familiar with Forex and Bitcoin. I am a full time trader” or something like that.

That precedes the invitation to invest with them and my ridiculous responses to their inquiry.

Depending on my mood I sometimes ask them why a man would pose as a woman or ask them if they can help me hide a body, wire me money care of Folsom prison or some other nonsense.

No stranger is going to convince me to invest a small amount of money via Words with Friends or one of the Nigerian email scams.

They are no different to me than the telemarketers whom I practice telling silly stories too.


Got a big glass of Macallan 12 to my right, BB King singing The Thrill Is Gone on my headphones and the posts I wrote last night on three of the tabs to my right.

Definitely not drunk but maybe close to buzzed. Don’t need the drink to mention there are some people I’d like to speak with but am waiting for them to come to me.

Still A Kid

The younger Mr. Wilner wants to know if I have considered growing up and I laugh because that is not going to happen.

Not going to give up on the boy that lives inside this almost middle-aged body. Spend way too much time being serious and have to retain that child like ability to look at the world in a way in which so much more is possible.

Was thinking a bit about it because something weird is going on with my beard. It is not growing the same way on part of my cheeks.

Doesn’t look right to me, not sure what is going on so I am thinking about shaving it off and starting over.

I am good at starting over, had to do it more than once.

Could engage in some epexegesis here to assist with building the picture but what fun would that be. Rather place bits and pieces here and like some cyber flotsam and jetsam to be discovered by treasure hunters.

Put on a shirt that didn’t fit a short while ago and sounded my barbaric yawp when I discovered it is comfortable now.

Progress is good and for a man like me it is critical because when I see it I grow more disciplined and more focus. It is not as easy as it once was but it is not impossible and that is part of why that childlike attitude is of paramount importance.

Kids don’t start from a standpoint of saying it is impossible and neither do I. Push the needle a little bit and abuse tired cliches like color outside of the box…I do.

It can cause some heartache but it also brings a significant amount of joy and who doesn’t need more of that in their lives.

Feed your soul and fill your heart as often as you can because there are people and moments that will suck it all out of you in leave your withered carcass where it falls.

It is part of why I am famous for messing around with the toys in the toy department. Let your hair down a little and life is different.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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