Diet Or Treadmill

The lock down has been the bane of waistlines and diets which is why I purchased a treadmill a few months ago.

More than a few people told me to remember that diet plays a huge role in how trim and slim we find ourselves to be every time I hear it I nod my head.

There is no doubt there is truth in that but it doesn’t work for me without exercise. I am a person who requires more than words to motivate me.

Give me something that sheds a couple and gets my motor running and I am pretty good at continuing it.

But I am not as disciplined without it and I see the impact of the challenges I have faced after I left Texas and returned.

Avoided picking it apart for a while because I didn’t have the bandwidth and then dove into it because you can’t fix what has been broken without taking time to investigate.

Unexpected surgery to fix a double hernia, unexpected personal matters and a pandemic all impacted things and not it is time to plant my feet and turn it around.

I Wrote You Letters

I spelled out my thoughts and wrote you letters about illustrating some of where my head was/is at.

Put together a few more and used the time to confirm what I suspected was/is truth.

Told the reflection to pay attention to who says and does what to whom. Who do you look for when you are upset and want comfort.

Who helps soothe your soul and who would you always turn to if you could.

Sometimes they are one and the same and sometimes you split them because there are reasons that require that.

I slip between feelings of fate and destiny that are interlocked with Latin phrases that move me.

Astra inclinant, sed non obligant– The stars incline us, they do not bind us.
Non ducor, duco– I am not led, I lead.
Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat– Fortune favors the bold.

The simple analysis is we have free will but there are cosmic connections that we come across that bind us to others.

We can choose to pursue or not pursue those connections and accept they are not bound by logic or reason.

They simply are and it is up to us to determine whether we wish to discern their full nature.

You and I have the opportunity to allow social dictates to constrain how we move forward. I choose to work within those as I see fit but to also step outside of the boxes.

Not without thought nor consideration and not based solely upon impulse but because sometimes we have to blaze our own trail.

Those who know me best are familiar with my refusal to wear a sweater because others are cold and understand I conduct a quick analysis before I leap.

That is, I look and get an understanding about whether I think I will fall into a pit or gain wings on the way down and go for it.

It is too easy to get stuck in a position in which paralysis of analysis prevents forward movement.

Sometimes I have failed and fallen down because of this but I have had more success than failure and that drives me forward.

I learned through experience that attitude is critical. I once thought it was nonsense but have come to believe that half the battle is expecting you will succeed and the other half is figuring it out.

So that is what I do.

I figure it out.

And that is all you get for now, it is treadmill time.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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