You Don’t Know Me

Got a message that I ignored because it wasn’t worth the time to say “you don’t know me” or to point out the inconsistencies.

No need to explain anything to those who don’t deserve an explanation or those who once did but have forfeited the right.

There are lines that I don’t blur and given you can almost guarantee I’ll have a pocket knife on hand or within reach it is easy to cut the the threads that connect.

Looked at the post from last night and others and thought about what would happen if I pulled it all down.

How long would it take to wipe the digital footprint clean and start fresh, if I so chose.
There is a certain attraction to gaining a blank slate and starting over. Toss a final note in a bottle, throw it overboard and torch/bleach the rest.

What Used To Be Shocking

There is a picture going around Facebook of comments people made in the fifties that were supposed to make us laugh as they seem so quaint now.

Glanced at it and remembered a moment around ’87 when someone played some 2 Live Crew at a fraternity party and how the girls surprised us by singing and dancing along with it.

Was a bit of an educational night but it is so far away now that I barely remember if I was really shocked or just look back and think I was.

Add the impact of being a father and one has a different perspective than in the past.

Especially given stories I have heard from friends who have encountered their children in compromised positions.

Probably good for some teenage boys not to have encountered me as the father and not the boy because some double standards don’t bother me.


Weather report says we might see several nights of temperatures below freezing. Has me thinking about outdoor hot tubs and nights soaking in warm water lost in thought while I stare at stars

Been far too long since I have left the city to find a place to do that.  A spot to look up and wonder what happens elsewhere on other planets in our galaxy and beyond.

Been too long since I have seen the Northern lights and been reminded how very small we are.

Blink and it is over and you’re a memory of someone who once was.

Given enough time the echo of that past that you were part of becomes so distant one can argue no one remembers how it really was or if you were even there.

That bothers some people but most of the time I am not one of them. Most of the time I don’t wonder if those that knew me have forgotten or if they think of me.

But sometimes ego and curiosity converge and I think it might be nice for it to be otherwise.

Sometimes I wonder about my legacy and ask myself it is enough to push just for my family and hope the impact is one of those ripples in a pond kind of thing or if going bigger should be the focus.

Sometimes I look back at those I come from and wonder if I have features or traits that a great-great-great grandfather had and sometimes I do the opposite.

Sometimes I wonder if 100 years from now there will be some kid who knows about me and can say that we share something beyond basic genetics. That because of technology they have access to videos, pictures and words I have written/spoken and are able to connect.

I’ll never know, but it is kind of interesting, assuming I don’t wipe the footprint clean and start over.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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