What Do You Know

There is a boy, two days short  20 on the floor above me and though I cannot see him, I can hear his voice carry through the ceiling.

If he heard this music he might take the time to identify which movie and or scenes it comes from and without a doubt would have commentary on the clips in the video below.

Kid is smarter than I am, actually both of mine are, but in different ways and that is ok with me. I have experience they don’t have and that impacts everything.

Something about the video reminds me of sitting with my dad and grandfather when I was around my son’s age or should I say close enough to not be a part of the conversation but to recognize they were talking about me.

I can see the two of them engaged in their conversation and recognize dad accept whatever grandpa said and it makes me laugh.

Because the kid I used to be didn’t think dad listened to anyone or asked for advice, let alone from his own father.

And here I am 30 or so years later talking about how you can’t screw an old head on young shoulders …as needed.

This past year the younger Mr. Wilner has come to me twice for help in getting Dell and Apple to provide proper customer service.

He watched me win both times and told me he realized I really do know a few things. I didn’t tell him how much I appreciated hearing that because I didn’t realize how much I would.

It was kind of fun being the hero again, been a long time. That is ok too, sooner or later we all figure out that our fathers are ordinary men with no particular superpowers or skills.

Staycation Thoughts

Don’t think I have gone to bad before 2, if not closer to 3 AM since my staycation started.

Stood under a black Texas sky and looked west towards my old apartment in Fort Worth and thought about promises made there and smiled.

Walked on the treadmill a little less than I intended the last two days and made a promise to myself to hit it harder and smiled again as I felt pieces start to fall into place.

Got a few things in motion that feel like they are going to finally come together and laughed because knowing things doesn’t mean a damn thing and yet it means everything.

Thought about sitting in a cab with rain covered windows while trying to figure out what the heck I saw outside and knowing I have an imagination that can produce movies in the brightest colors.

Been writing some of those down because leaving them inside my head doesn’t lead to change or opportunity.

Inside a dark house in the quiet of the late night hours I walk around, checking on things to make sure all is at should be and recognize days like this are growing shorter.

A child free house is still a chunk of time away but that chunk is no longer impossible to imagine or visualize.

It is a kind of bittersweet feeling to recognize those changes but kind of exciting too.

Not happening today, tomorrow or next week, but I can hear the sound of the surf and a foghorn. I can hear the train on the tracks and the captain telling the flight to prepare for take off.

Won’t be real for a bit, but won’t be that long either. Time has a way of moving faster as we get older.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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