Remember When Love Wasn’t Eclipsed By Reality

There was a moment at soccer practice when I looked at the other parents and thought about it felt like a million others I had been too.

And then I looked again and thought about worlds colliding and smiled to myself, because there wasn’t anyone else there who would appreciate it the way I do.

Had a quick conversation about New Jersey and shuls and the two closest shuls to our local area and then it was time to take our girls home.

It had been a good escape from the massive project I am working on and important because when I truly begin to focus my attention upon things there is an enormous amount of energy dedicated to them.

A part of me is nervous about this because it is so far outside of my comfort zone I might as well be living in a snow belt winter in Cleveland.

Yeah, 18 inches of snow is about to be dumped upon my head and I have a vague idea about how to protect the car, keep the pipes from freezing and not a clue about a million other things that natives know how to deal with.

Heroes Wear Black Hats

A long time ago I told someone I can be impulsive and that storms follow where I walk. We had lots of conversations about everything and anything you can talk about.

Yet somehow she never admitted she kissed me first or said I love you.

None of that means a damn thing or has any relevance to anyone but I throw it out there because I made a comment about heroes wearing black hats.

And because I got myself into one hell of a jam except it wasn’t that long ago…the jam that is.

If it had been my fault I would have been frustrated and angry with myself for my stupidity but this had little to do with me.

It was more of a wrong place at the wrong time kind of thing but that didn’t change my being forced to deal with it.

Nor did it make it any easier.

There were some very tough moments that required the kind of introspection and gut check that strips away artifice.

Moments where I knew there only way out was through and that if I wanted to get to the other side I was going to have to fight.

I know it all sounds like bravado and hyperbole but it wasn’t to me. It was real and if perception is reality that is all that matters.

So I geared up and reached back in time for the little boy who used to yell at his father, “I take this potch and I throw it away!”

I found him too.

He laughed when he heard me mutter “fuck it and fuck them, we are not going to go down.”

If I am lucky enough to have grandchildren I might tell them about it or I might just say “grandpa has lived a life” and give them a smile that makes them wonder what I haven’t said.

And then I’ll tell them not to as dumb as their grandfather was.

The ability to take a punch and keep moving f0rward is a double edged sword.

Remember When Love Wasn’t Eclipsed By Reality

I don’t have official plans to try and watch the eclipse tomorrow but I figure I’ll do something because some once in a lifetime moments are worth taking action.

Some people say this eclipse the reason why there has been so much craziness lately and assert it will influence relationships.

Something about it reminded me of those silly lists of things you have or haven’t done that go around Facebook.

You know the one that asks if you have been kissed under fireworks, on New Years eve, the last thing you put in your mouth, your favorite movie etc.

I have a tendency to take liberties when I fill those out and I thought about how instead of saying I have been kissed under fireworks I could say something about the eclipse.

Hell, I could say if I kissed you tomorrow it would be so powerful the sun will hide. That might be taken as hyperbole or it might not.

Maybe if I played Ring of Fire while making that promise. Sadly, you can only say it once unless you have a way to live another 100 years or come up with smoke and mirrors trick.


Speaking of smoke and mirrors I’d like to ask my pal Al about this project I am working on.

Not because he would know anything about this particular topic but because he might have some useful advice.

If nothing else it would be cool to be able to say that Einstein says I must be pretty amazing to have figured this out or that no one could do what I have done.

And if worse comes to worst and the whole thing is a flop it would be nice to have him say it is impossible.

But since Al is dead I am going to have to put on that black hat and be my own hero.


Got to catch a little shut eye but before I do I’ll share a couple of things.

I had this unoriginal idea to use a headline that referenced Total Eclipse Of The Heart and it didn’t work out as I had envisioned.

Probably because I didn’t map it out…Oh well.

Enjoy the song and I’ll see you in the morning. If you are lucky maybe I’ll even sing Angel Of The Morning because everyone knows I am better than Juice Newton. 😉


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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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