LeBron The Laker & Other Stories

There are more than a few solid rumors that say LeBron is making plans to leave the cavs and join the Lakers, none of which surprise me.

He is a man who is interested in building a legacy and now that he brought one championship to his current team he is going to look hard at what else he can build there.

Without real help he is not going to be able to do any more than he is done so he is going to look at one of the marquee teams of the league.

The Lakers, Knicks and Celtics are the top of that heap and given the management, personnel, location and ability to help forge that legacy it is pretty clear he is going to want to wear the purple and gold.

Can’t say I blame him, there is no better tradition out there.

Even though I don’t consider him to be the greatest ever I can’t say I wouldn’t want him playing for us. It would give a significant bump.

A Parade Of Emotions

Been back in LA for a couple of days now and am enjoying a parade of emotions.

Most of it is pride and joy but given all I have been through there is some sadness and some real anger.

Someone set me off and was surprised by the response they received.

I had told them it wasn’t a good time to press some issues and when they ignored my suggestion to revisit they got the storm.

Sometimes it is better to let things lie and not indulge your curiosity.

I know from experience on both sides of this fence.

Anyhoo, I vented a bit and it took most of the edge off… but not all of it.

Bad time for the disgusting, the disappointing and the deplorable.

Thoughts & Advice

I have a half written speech that I may not finish.

Some of it is because I am spent. It took all I had to get to this point and there is more distance to cover and I need to rest a bit before I try to pull more out of me.

That is not to say I can’t find the energy to take those few more steps because I can, but experience has taught me to pay attention to the inner voice and to heed its call.

I could just go to sleep and work on this tomorrow or simply get up and speak from my heart.

The only real reason not to do so is fear I won’t share something important and or that I will fumble for words.

Given only a few m0ments it is highly likely I will never feel like I said what I wanted and shared all the points I needed to.

Which is precisely why I am leaning towards just speaking because in the moment I won’t have time to overthink and wonder if I have said it perfectly and or have been profound.

But there is another option I am considering and that is to share some quotes that mean something to me and to suggest she make a point to one day study them.

We could start with the quote above and spend more than a few minutes exploring, learning and explaining it.

I might add a few more like this:


and this

Yeah, maybe we go with that or maybe we write some more.

But first we sleep so that we have enough energy to share and tell some more stories.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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