A Letter To The Willfully Blind

And the story starts with 5 songs:

Those of you who pay close attention will recognize I put six songs in and not five.

Those of you who aren’t willfully blind or asleep might notice a lot of other things, but then again, maybe you won’t.

Walked 7 miles today and did some light lifting not because I wanted to but because I was compelled to.

Feeling somewhere between feisty and irritated so I am staying away from people because I feel like speaking my mind.

Feel like saying precisely what I think, unfiltered and uncaring about the consequences, but I won’t.

Would rather channel the energy into something else and see if I can use it to get more shit done…and well I have.

Thing is, I am more tired than I expected after my workout and that has me feeling more irritated.

A Letter To The Willfully Blind

All of the political ranting and raving around me has gotten old.

Reminds me of how years ago someone told me if I pulled my head out of my ass they could take better care of me than anyone else.

I told them it was time to put up or shut up.

That is how I feel right now about our candidates, it is time to put up or shut up.

Thing is that voice from the past never did get that opportunity so I can’t say for certain if they were correct or not.

And I can’t say whether the losing candidate in this race will be better than the winner.

I can speculate, but I hope if my candidate loses I’ll be pleasantly surprised by how well the other person does.

Hell, I hope to be surprised by either winner. I hope they exceed expectations.

I am tired of the acrimony and the feeling of going it alone. I am tired of hearing about how only a blankety-blank is dumb enough to vote for Trump/Clinton.

Tired of every day being filled with the best efforts of each side to make the other side look bad and to feel like no one cares about our collective interests.

It is why I am only willing to wait for so long for somethings and then I just do what I think needs to be done.

I will move the needle.

I will cause waves and I will dance in the damn fire and fight the dogs of war to get things done.

How Far Can You Go?

I can’t remember the last time I woke up and felt really good.

Can’t remember the last time I didn’t have a chunk of the day go by with me wondering if stress was the source of this or if age was catching up with me.

That’s part of why I have started pushing harder on the workouts.

My suspicion is that stress is the culprit.

I have a very full plate and am juggling chainsaws and flaming torches so it makes sense that some of that would spill over.

And I suppose you could say that all that is going on now and that has been going on has woken me up.

My eyes are wide open and so are my ears. I am trying to be deliberate and purposeful.

I like who I am and I like who I am becoming.

I sometimes think many people are unhappy because they feel the opposite and so I wonder why they live as they do.

You can settle for something that you think is ok or you can push for me and see how far you can go.

Someone told me if I got a good hug it would make a difference. They are probably right.

But we operate based upon what we have, working towards what we want and not based upon what we wish were true.

Reminds me of some great conversations I had in the past and how important it is to appreciate those you can truly communicate with.

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By Joshua Wilner

Hi, I am Josh Wilner and I am happy that you have decided to visit my corner of cyberspace. I am a writer/marketer/friend and family man. My professional background includes more than twenty years in working with businesses to help them do a better job of connecting with their existing and prospective customers. More specifically I have worked with companies of all sizes from the Fortune 500 to the new start up to help them build, develop and grow their social media and marketing plans. I love spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy music, reading, writing, playing sports and laughing.

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